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Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

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  • Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

    Hi all

    I about 150L of Aviation kero left over from blending in my 300D. I now have a 2008 Astra diesel (The manual version- better engine than the auto) and was wondering if anyone had had any experience using this fuel in a modern diesel.
    From what I have read I understand that kero is thinner than diesel and therefore lubricates less. What i was thinking was to blend some bio in with it to increase the lubricity. The manual says no more than 5% bio but i reckon you could push this a bit higher. Of course I'm a little more cautious with a $23,000 Astra than I was with a $2,000 Merc!

    Any comments appreciated,


  • #2
    Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

    The lubricity of the biodiesel should more than make up for the poor lubricity of the kero.

    If you are particularly cautious, you could blend 80% diesel, 15% kero and 5% Biodiesel.

    After you have used 800 litres of diesel, you will have used up all of your kero, and 50 litres of bio. to make 1000 litres of the blend.

    Have fun,

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    • #3
      Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

      Cheers Tony thats the sort of blend I was considering probably more like 60% diesel 30% Kero and 10% bio.
      blending is always fun!



      • #4
        Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

        I have recently started blending waste jet turbine fuel (avcat) with my bio at about 50/50 and boy does my dao love it. power is up starting is easier. it even leaves straight dino for dead. i just ran the 1000L of the stuff through my drying and filtering side of my bio set up. good luck with it i know of many that use it in high proportions with dino. your blend sounds very safe.
        Harold 2002 Toyota Landcruiser 105 series. 4.2lt turbo glide turbo, Too lazy to make bio nowdays times money. 3'' lift.

        Roidio 2001 Holden Rodeo 4x4 2.8L TD. 2.5" exhaust sytem, H/E shower system. 4" Lift, Airbags, And lots of fruit, B100 for 55,000 . SOLD

        Elsa 1983 Mercedes-Benz W123 300D. Still The Fastest Merc in Oz, Self built and Female proofed. COUSINS NOW


        • #5
          Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

          yeah elsa is running the same fuel. dave i have run elsa on 100% oil and oil petrol blends and oil bio blends and it just doesn't sound right.. I seriously believe that bio is much easier on IP's and injectors. I did tend to find the higher oil blends quite sluggish (300d ish). Cold starts are noticably better in both vehicles with the avcat bio blend.
          my biggest trouble actually is finding room to store all my oil 3500Litres of wvo. any takers?? ill be right my boss is goin to start using bio from me so ill use it up.
          Harold 2002 Toyota Landcruiser 105 series. 4.2lt turbo glide turbo, Too lazy to make bio nowdays times money. 3'' lift.

          Roidio 2001 Holden Rodeo 4x4 2.8L TD. 2.5" exhaust sytem, H/E shower system. 4" Lift, Airbags, And lots of fruit, B100 for 55,000 . SOLD

          Elsa 1983 Mercedes-Benz W123 300D. Still The Fastest Merc in Oz, Self built and Female proofed. COUSINS NOW


          • #6
            Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

            Hello Dave,
            Avcat (JP5) is a military fuel grade intended specifically for use on naval aircraft carriers where a fuel with a higher flash point (Min flash point 60deg C) than standard Jet A-1/JP-8 is required for on-board safety reasons.
            It is a kerosent jet fuel, manufactured in just a few refiners around the world and is not commonly available unless you are operating an Aircraft Carrier.
            Perhaps you mean Avtur which is another name for Jet A-1/ JP8. This is standard avation kerosene used in jet engines in most parts of the world except the USA where they use Jet A in most commercial Jets instead.

            I am surprised that you get better performance using a kersoene fuel because litre for litre, #2 diesel contains more energy than Kerosene.


            • #7
              Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

              Hello Dave,
              I meant to address my last post to Nick, my mistake.

              I am curious whether Avcat is even available in Australia. Perhaps the Navy uses it but the Sydney has been retired for some time. Maybe they use it in Helocopters that they store in hangers on other navy ships.
              To achieve the higher flash point they no doubt do not include as much of the volitle end of the cut but that said it is still kerosene.

              I have been told that it is common practice for ag pilots to use #2 diesel in their turbine aircraft.


              • #8
                Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

                your quite cunning you know tilly ( i reacon you could sniff your way to my doorstep) but yes i do use AVcat not avtur but i have used avtur in the past. with simialar results. The avcat i use has other waste products added to it such as MJ2 and hyd oil. the avcat also has zone specific additives.
                All i know is that it runs great in a 50/50 blend with bio.
                Harold 2002 Toyota Landcruiser 105 series. 4.2lt turbo glide turbo, Too lazy to make bio nowdays times money. 3'' lift.

                Roidio 2001 Holden Rodeo 4x4 2.8L TD. 2.5" exhaust sytem, H/E shower system. 4" Lift, Airbags, And lots of fruit, B100 for 55,000 . SOLD

                Elsa 1983 Mercedes-Benz W123 300D. Still The Fastest Merc in Oz, Self built and Female proofed. COUSINS NOW


                • #9
                  Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

                  Just thought i would share this with everyone, About 8 months ago I bought a toyota estima, (jap tarago) from a car dealer with a blown engine. Very tidy, 2wd 2.2 turbo diesel, 5 speed manual. very rare. It had been to several workshops and no one go get it to run so i got it real cheap. I checked everything compression, glow plugs, timing etc every looked ok but it would not go. It would kind of fire but would knock like crazy smoke and bang. I gave it tow up the road and got it to run at 1000rpm with my foot flat. The knocking banging and smoke was insane. so I got a motor from japan, and instaled it. It fired up first pop for about 10 seconds and then started this insane clattering, banging, smoking and then stopped. same as the first engine. I re bled everything and thought this diesel smell and looks a bit wierd And it dawn on me this is not diesel at all. someones filled it up with kero.
                  I didnt think that kero would do this to a diesel engine.
                  long story short emptyed the tank and filter bled it out and its been running on 100% bio perfectly for months. The misses loves the thing, almost as much as driving past servos....
                  I still wonder about the condition of the first engine. Kicking myself that i didnt notice the kero before i changed the engine.


                  • #10
                    Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

                    Hello Smithw,
                    I question whether your problem was Kerosene. Kerosene is #1 diesel and in places like northern USA and Canada is available at truck stops.

                    Also, when on deployment the US DOD has a "Single Fuel Policy" and runs all their diesel powered vehicles on JP 8 which is the military equivelent of Jet A1- Kerosene.


                    • #11
                      Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

                      Perhaps the problem was related to other contaminants, including a healthy dose of kerosine. I believe that Petrol is the most common contaminant of diesel fuel due to the high intelligence of the general motoring public.

                      Strangely, Diesel is the most common contaminant of petrol, for the same reason, but both suffer where the tanks contain even a little water due to the poor practices of servo owners or staff.

                      Life is a journey, with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experiences to enjoy.

                      Current Vehicles in stable:
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                      '04 Rexton 4X4 Automatic SUV
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                      Previous Vehicles:
                      '90 Mazda Capella. (2000 - 2003) My first Fatmobile. Converted to fun on veggie oil with a 2 tank setup.
                      '80 Mercedes 300D. 2 tank conversion [Sold]
                      '84 Mercedes 300D. 1 tank, no conversion. Replaced engine with rebuilt OM617A turbodiesel engine. Finally had good power. Engine donor for W123 coupe. (body parted out and carcass sold for scrap.)
                      '85 Mercedes Benz W123 300CD Turbodiesel
                      '99 Mercedes W202 C250 Turbodiesel (my darling Wife's car)[sold]
                      '98 Mercedes W202 C250 Turbodiesel (my car)[sold]
                      '06 Musso Sports Crew Cab well body. [Head gasket blew!]
                      '04 Rexton SUV 2.9L Turbodiesel same as Musso - Our Family car.
                      '06 Musso sports Crew Cab Trayback - My hack (no air cond, no heater).

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                      • #12
                        Re: Aviation Kero in diesel Astra

                        It looks and smells like kero, no petrol or diesel smell at all. and the tank was full, I dont know what else it could be. any ideas?

