Originally posted by tillyfromparadise
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The Americans still living in America and those that go completely by what they read on forums rather than have any hands on experience or do any research for themselves, would no doubt say that you had to add a bunch of concoctions in the way of additives and enhancers etc. to get the stuff to last over winter let alone 10 winters and summers as well!
If anyone in the US had a Bio plant, they could cash in on all those " Preppers" that are busily salting away long life everything for some unknown catastrophe of unknown proportions and unknown duration.
Propane seems their pet fuel because it doesn't go off like Diesel. Now if it could be shown Bio would last 10+ years...... There are a lot of people scared of their own shadows that would no doubt love that to put 10KL of that away and fuel their " bug out" vehicles with.

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