So far so good. If all goes well council plans to expand usage to their full heavy equipment fleet.
Would love to see surrounding SHOROC councils (Mosman, Warringah & Pittwater) adopting based on the success at Manly. There are no retail biodiesel suppliers on the Northern Beaches I'm aware of so the more demand the merrier in hopes of generating a wholesale requirement.
If you're a resident of Mosman, Warringah or Pittwater (for that matter any council in Australia) and want to get involved would love to hear from you. Am more than happy to share the approach we used & presentations we gave to the Mayor & council that helped produce the result.
The key to convincing Manly was 1) Manly Council's focus on the environment & open mindset and 2) citing the Camden & Newcastle trials and being straight about pros & cons and the lessons learned (fuel filter maintenance, don't use old tanks to store biodiesel, be open to blends, etc...)
Staff at Camden & Newcastle councils were incredibly supportive as where representatives from the industry including Morris Lyda, ABG & Biodiesel Industries Australia.