Boy this forum sure seems dead. I wounder why?
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Why is this forum dead?
Re: Why is this forum dead?
"Image" button feature isn't working, either from computer or URL.
Ok, image upload test..... I pasted the IMG code from Photobucket directly into the reply.
It looks as though it will work from the preview..... am about to click "submit reply".... then we'll know for sure.
Pic of my nostalgia dragbike should appear above....
Re: Why is this forum dead?
Well, that worked. It seems there's something wrong with the image upload tool. Error messages say invalid URL, etc.
Hey, guys, please start a topic. Anything will do. We need to keep this forum active, otherwsie we may lose it. These things no doubt cost money.
Now that my drag racing season is over (with a successful National series win) I'm going to post up some topics.
These may or may not be interesting, but if we bounce ideas around, combine and re-combine different ideas, possibly we can learn things.
Constructive comments are welcome.
Re: Why is this forum dead?
There have been 8 postings in the last few days to the general forum. All sensible contributions and questions.
Apart from this, none to the Blending forum. Maybe blenders are a happy lot with no problems. Maybe no one wants to talk about it. Who knows.... I wouldn't fret about it tho.
Forum owner Robert is aware of the photo upload problem, seems to work for some and not others, and also an issue with percentage signs and Degrees signs that seem to come out in unicode.. % °
The surfacing of the problems was related to a software upgrade which helped control spammers and it's taken a huge annoyance away from moderators, but unfortunately seems to have added the other problems that affect general users. Resolving it will take his focus and time, like everyone else, he's got a life to lead.
If you notice problems at any time, make a posting to the This Forum section where it is likely to be acted on.
TimToyota Landcruiser 1988 HJ61 Manual Wagon
12H-T turbo Direct Injection.
Twin Tank setup runs on 100% WVO after warm up. 30 plate FPHE with 80°C output, 12mm fuel lines
Start up and shut down electric fuel pump feeds IP direct.
Front 4WDSytstems Lokka, Rear ARB airlokka for quick escapes up sandhills. Performance GTurbo with 600mm FMIC gives 450nm @ 1700rpm at 20psi boost.
Re: Why is this forum dead?
Well im going to try adding a photo, from my dropbox
here goes
Ok try this .png?w=a03dda94
O crap it has a % sign try again courts .png?w=a03dda94
try this then courts .png?w=a03dda94Last edited by smithw; 24 March 2012, 01:23 PM.
Re: Why is this forum dead?
well that didnt work, If members want to see the floods arond my home, you may have to join dropbox if the link doesnt work. its free and a very cool bit of software.
seem that the %% sign is scewing up my link. courts .png?w=a03dda94
Last edited by smithw; 24 March 2012, 01:26 PM.
Re: Why is this forum dead?
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the forum owner and moderators. It's a great thing that they do and we'd all be the poorer if the forum ever ceased to be.
To add clue to the puzzle, my browser is IE9 under 64bit Windows 7.
When IE9 was released about a year ago, I recall some websites wouldn't work.
So, I started my 32bit XP laptop with IE8. It declares a jpg is: not a valid image file.
Re: Why is this forum dead?
This forum isn't dead ! Like all things topics come and go.
Just the other day I thought I must have a look at the forum again. As other people mentioned , if you are doing something like making bio or using wvo and everything is working the way you want then you tend to just get a long with it and don't bother looking for solutions to a non existent problem.
I'll start to look for a methanol pump now that I have 200 liters that I need to move around but otherwise I hope everyone is having a nice day and making use of any sunshine.
The sun has come out long enough to make the lawn worthwhile to mow so now I can't lose the dog .
And yes thank you to the forum moderators for making this great facility available to the world.
King regards
Michael97 Jeep XJ Cherokee on B100. 0 km's on B100 and counting !!!! (Sold)
2002 Merc ML270 now on B100. (Sold)
2006 Ssangyong Musso 2.9 t idi (Sold)
2015 NP300 Navara ( Sold )
2018 NP300 Navara ( B5 )
Stainless processor with blue water pump.
Tetragonula Hockingsi
Take the Leap and grow wings on the way down
Re: Why is this forum dead?
Originally posted by Tim-HJ61 View PostThere have been 8 postings in the last few days to the general forum. All sensible contributions and questions.
Apart from this, none to the Blending forum. Maybe blenders are a happy lot with no problems. Maybe no one wants to talk about it. Who knows.... I wouldn't fret about it tho...
Denial (also called abnegation) is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.[1] The subject may use:
- simple denial: deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether
- minimisation: admit the fact but deny its seriousness (a combination of denial and rationalization)
- projection: admit both the fact and seriousness but deny responsibility.
Re: Why is this forum dead?
Originally posted by smithw View Postwell that didnt work, If members want to see the floods arond my home, you may have to join dropbox if the link doesnt work. its free and a very cool bit of software.
seem that the %% sign is scewing up my link. courts .png?w=a03dda94
You have to put files into the Public folder for others to see them. We've not had much rain for months, typical Summer here. Unlike the east coast!!
TimToyota Landcruiser 1988 HJ61 Manual Wagon
12H-T turbo Direct Injection.
Twin Tank setup runs on 100% WVO after warm up. 30 plate FPHE with 80°C output, 12mm fuel lines
Start up and shut down electric fuel pump feeds IP direct.
Front 4WDSytstems Lokka, Rear ARB airlokka for quick escapes up sandhills. Performance GTurbo with 600mm FMIC gives 450nm @ 1700rpm at 20psi boost.
Re: Why is this forum dead?
Thanks tim the flood photos are in a public folder, I just cant get it to work on the forum.
I get all sorts of error messages, this is a new one the photo inserts but this this happens
The following errors occurred with your submission
- The text that you have entered is too long (800062 characters). Please shorten it to 25000 characters long.
- anyway long story short the town was flood we lost the hosital, and it came with an inch of coming into my house.