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MUsso not pumping to injectors

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  • MUsso not pumping to injectors

    Wondering if Musso owners could help.

    I have been running on WVO since Christmas. No problems once I sorted pump from tank.

    Parked the Musso yesterday. Started it this morning. It started for a couple of seconds and stopped.

    Can't start it again. Plenty of fuel getting to the IP but only a dribble (eventually) coming from 1 and 2 injectors (loosened both nuts )after I kicked it over for a long time. Kicked it for ages and got one sick fire sound.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: MUsso not pumping to injectors

    Hi Jim,

    A defective immobilizer will do that.
    It is a solenoid on the side of the IP that the fuel line from the fuel filter runs to.

    It is very easy to remove entirely if it has not already been removed

    Senior Member
    Last edited by tillyfromparadise; 28 April 2019, 07:19 AM.


    • #3
      Re: MUsso not pumping to injectors

      Jim, Tilly has the diagnosis correct I believe. The Immobiliser stops fuel flow to the IP.

      Removing the fuel cutoff is easy. No parts apart from a short length of fuel hose from the filter to the IP and 2 hose clamps to suit.

      1. Remove the fuel hose (from fuel filter to the fuel cutoff valve) and unscrew the fitting from the valve.
      2. To remove the fuel cut off valve, use some multigrips and twist the valve anticlockwise to loosen the security bolt. Then undo the security bolt by hand, ensuring that any copper washers are retained.
      3. Screw this fitting into the side of the IP in place of the security bolt, ensuring that a copper washer is inserted between the body of the fitting and the IP.
      4. Cut fuel hose to length and secure on filter outlet fitting and IP fitting using hose clamps.
      5. Start the engine.
      Life is a journey, with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experiences to enjoy.

      Current Vehicles in stable:
      '06 Musso Sports 4X4 Manual Crew Cab tray back.
      '04 Rexton 4X4 Automatic SUV
      '2014 Toyota Prius (on ULP) - Wife's car

      Previous Vehicles:
      '90 Mazda Capella. (2000 - 2003) My first Fatmobile. Converted to fun on veggie oil with a 2 tank setup.
      '80 Mercedes 300D. 2 tank conversion [Sold]
      '84 Mercedes 300D. 1 tank, no conversion. Replaced engine with rebuilt OM617A turbodiesel engine. Finally had good power. Engine donor for W123 coupe. (body parted out and carcass sold for scrap.)
      '85 Mercedes Benz W123 300CD Turbodiesel
      '99 Mercedes W202 C250 Turbodiesel (my darling Wife's car)[sold]
      '98 Mercedes W202 C250 Turbodiesel (my car)[sold]
      '06 Musso Sports Crew Cab well body. [Head gasket blew!]
      '04 Rexton SUV 2.9L Turbodiesel same as Musso - Our Family car.
      '06 Musso sports Crew Cab Trayback - My hack (no air cond, no heater).

      Searching the Biofuels Forum using Google
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      • #4
        Re: MUsso not pumping to injectors

        Thanks Tony and TIlly.
        I think the immobilzer must have been removed already?

        THe hose from the filter goes directly to a banjo bolt on the side of the injector pump. NO valves or anything else I can see, except a one cm wide ring between the banjo and the face of the IP.

        THere is a solenoid looking thing bolted to the manifold up higher with an electric plug on one end and two vacuum hoses on the other end . (No fuel lines) ALexander from ELsbett suggested this was an immobiliser and to disconnect the air hose. I did this, but no joy.

        I tried add a pic but the site would not accept it.


        • #5
          Re: MUsso not pumping to injectors

          Hi penangke,

          It certainly might have been removed. it is easy enough to do and many people do remove them "just on spec".
          Do you have a good fuel flow out of the fuel line running from the fuel filter to the injector pump?

          This is what the IP looks like with the immobilizer still attached. It is on the left side as you look at the photo. Note the fuel pump has been removed

          This is what the IP looks like without the immobilizer

          Senior Member
          Last edited by tillyfromparadise; 29 April 2019, 08:00 PM.

