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155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

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  • 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

    lights not too good but here are a couple of photos of my sov tank
    im waiting to be chatted about it as it looks very much like an LPG tank as its made out of 2 lpg tanks that usually stand at the side of a house
    it doesnt protrude further than 200mm past the limit of the original bumper
    all corners have radius exceading 32mm
    as for fuel ,well oficer its straight veg,,,,,,thats food ,surly theres nothing wrong with having food in the crash zone


    Senior Member
    Last edited by dagwill; 22 May 2009, 07:39 PM.

  • #2
    Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

    ha, that is a classic, hope you got good suspension in that landy...

    225,000km on WVO and counting
    1991 HZJ75 Landcruiser Troopy
    Two Tank System- 90ltr Dino / 140ltr WVO
    30 plate HE
    CAV filter
    20 plate HE
    2 x 6 way pollack valves (one for delayed purge changeover)


    • #3
      Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

      Food in the crash zone. THATS a classic. Like driving around with a big mac on your bumper.
      Joe Morgan
      Brisbane Biodiesel Site Admin

      Searching tips using Google - SVO Dual tank systems
      SVO, Common Rail and Direct Injection - Vehicles converted to Used Cooking Oil


      • #4
        Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

        hey troopy
        2" lift springs but they were TOO hard so i took one full length leaf out of the back and left the front because of the tank
        the original idea behind mounting the tank there was wieght distribution
        usually when i took off for a trip the back was absolutly chockers with gear extra fuel ect ect light front end and lights in the sky [bit of an exageration]
        made the tank up with 2 baffels inside sort of divideing it into 3 compartments so it doesnt SLOSH on cornering, i was nervous about the effect on handling and took the first drive slowly but soon happily found that if anything it felt more stable than before
        normally i use the main tank for start up shut diesel and the front tank for svo useing solenoids but when i go for atrip ive got a 10tr tank under the bonnet for that and fill both the main tank and front tank with svo,which gives me a range of approx. 2,000ks
        So if i could stay awake i can leave adelaide and get to brisbane without stopping


        • #5
          Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

          Joe i could deapfry kangaroo road kill whole
          ps plastic tube in second pic is a sight guage
          Senior Member
          Last edited by dagwill; 22 May 2009, 09:15 PM.


          • #6
            Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

            Hi dagwill,

            what a rippa.

            If ya get pulled up by the cops tell them it's a roo bar and it's full of concrete.

            Oh, may need a lift kit on the front though.

            God bless froggo.
            HJ45 Landcruiser Troopy
            Home made 2 tank system
            Blending in main diesel tank
            SVO/WVO Converted 18/01/08


            • #7
              Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

              Very creative


              • #8
                Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

                If you do get chatted by a boy in blue, tell him its a gas tank, you welded it yourself and learnt to weld as you went, then go to light a cigarette. Chances are he will discover he needs to be elsewhere in a hurry.....
                Realistically though the only difference between having that on the front and a jerrycan on the back is that is made from thicker steel.
                cheers<BR>Chris.<BR>1990 landcruiser 80, 1HD-T two tank, copper pipe HE+ 20 plate FPHE, toyota solenoids and filters. 1978 300D, elsbett one tank system.<BR>


                • #9
                  Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

                  Regardless of passing a rego or not.

                  I think this tank could have been much safer sitting on fixed roof racks.

                  Have you calculated the effect of the weight on steering the vehicle?

                  This car can get bogged in mud at no effort and a 4WD won't help it out.

                  I like the comment from the Captain.

                  Mark five


                  • #10
                    Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

                    i thought about mounting a large tank of somsort on the roof, but soon dismissed it for reasons already mentioned,placing any extra wieght so high above the ground would add to body roll
                    also i was looking for equal wieght distribution FRONT and back when loading up for a trip[not looking to be able to OVERLOAD, but load within reason,, safely]
                    now i know someone will want to have a rant, [go on RANT RANT RANT}
                    the tank wieghs 38kg holds roughly 150kg,total 190 kg
                    do you honestly think landcriusers are desinged so close to MAX limits the wieght of just two people sitting on the front bumper would make them UNSAFE come on get real
                    the car now handles and corners at least as well as it used to,i wont say better,[although that wouldnt be hard for a hj60], but certainly not worse

                    as for getting bogged more easily, dont forget thats the sort of thing we blame on the fuel [IF ID ONLY STUCK TO DINO],,,,ever heard someone say as the rear wheels spin "stand on the bumper and give me some traction
                    anyway obviosly somone didnt realise this car has drive on the front wheels as well as the back

                    i did give quite q bit of thought to safty ,mounting where i did but after looking at a vw bettle all my second thoughts were gone,if you can mount a PETROL tank at the front of a car and make both the tank and the boby protecting it out of steel no thicker than a jam tin i go he

                    then i acidently crash tested it myself
                    i was loading a tandem trailer with cattle manue.The generous friend had said theres the heap up on the hill and you know how to drive a front end loader dont you. "yeah no worries"
                    now id just changed vehicles [same model] tthe old one had a ripper handbrake, i could park it somewhere with just the handbrake on to the point it would slide down hill with the rear wheels locked [yes mum i know you shouldnt JUST rely in the handbreak] but i had become overconfident
                    any way just as i empied the second bucket i noticed car and trailer moving slow at first but then.....................my first impulse was to jump from the loader but lerched back into my seat thinking i have to secure this first quickly killed the engine and dropped the bucket onto the ground
                    as i ran as fast as i could downhill i soon found my feet could not keep up and did the biggest of face plants there ever was
                    i lay in the dust watching the car gain speed and the manue bounce out of the trailer as it went...... Now before someone says "see hes a danger to the public",make sure your own record is perfect
                    it hit the first gum tree [id say betwen 6 to 8"diameter snapped like a stick of celery took out a few smaller ones then hit one about 10"
                    everything came to rest with the tree at 45 deg and the car sort of climbing it with both front wheels about two feet of the ground
                    i was a bit shaken to say the least,went back next morning said very sorry about the trees and had brought my chainsaw and cut them up for firewood as the least i could do.
                    you can see the state of the tank after my crash test,repainted of course,the only other damage was the right indicator and guard mysteriously took a hit you can see in the photo a series of holes below the indicator where i welded an eye onto a bolt and used a block an tackle to pull it out NOT EVEN A DENT IN THE TANK
                    so seeing i only use filtered oil, not even bio i really dont see there is any safty issuse. Somone said to me what if the tank was ruptured on impact wouldnt the spilled oil effect braking [dickhead if ive ruptured the tank its a bit late for braking,thats what you do BEFORE an accident]
                    Im very happy with it anyway
                    Senior Member
                    Last edited by dagwill; 25 May 2009, 12:54 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

                      I guess adding another 190KG over the front axle is probably the same as replacing the diesel with a V8 diesel, so looking at what changes are needed for the extra weight would indicate what changes should be considered.

                      I think at the end of the day, all vehicles go better the lighter they are, and all things are a tradeoff. Not adding weight is ideal, however if you are going to add weight, is this better than what I have done which is to put the oil in the back? I think this is a much better proposition. Mind you I wouldnt execute it in the same manner, but making a square tank that looks like a bullbar I would seriously consider.
                      cheers<BR>Chris.<BR>1990 landcruiser 80, 1HD-T two tank, copper pipe HE+ 20 plate FPHE, toyota solenoids and filters. 1978 300D, elsbett one tank system.<BR>


                      • #12
                        Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

                        thanks for all comments,, just thought that i would add,, this tank gives me the potential to leave home with an extra 150ltrs [on a trip ] but most of the time i run around with about 50ltrs in it


                        • #13
                          Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

                          Originally posted by Dave Jones
                          pump the fuel from the rear to the front to keep the vehicle balanced like they do on aircraft mid flight.
                          I charge $110 an hour to design a system like this Im qualified i guess
                          Harold 2002 Toyota Landcruiser 105 series. 4.2lt turbo glide turbo, Too lazy to make bio nowdays times money. 3'' lift.

                          Roidio 2001 Holden Rodeo 4x4 2.8L TD. 2.5" exhaust sytem, H/E shower system. 4" Lift, Airbags, And lots of fruit, B100 for 55,000 . SOLD

                          Elsa 1983 Mercedes-Benz W123 300D. Still The Fastest Merc in Oz, Self built and Female proofed. COUSINS NOW


                          • #14
                            Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

                            Haha, they guy who reckons the tank should be on the roof has obviously never seen the gutters on a HJ60!
                            Nice tank dude.


                            • #15
                              Re: 155 ltr long range sov tank [youll screem]

                              What a rippa, jeez I had a good laugh Stuff the science I think its great and if it works for you goodo! Lateral thinking (or pehaps forward thinking) at its best Cheers Brenden
                              2003 3.2 DiD Pajero Exceed
                              2003 2.8 td Triton Ute
                              2005 1.9 tdi pump deuce Golf

