I thought I would put some useful links all in the same place. some of these links seem to change or go dead so bear with me.
Bosh VE injector pump rebuild guide with lots of photos. Probably the most use info I have.
Bosch diesel injection pump rebuild
Bosh VE pump manual
resealing a pump not a bad site but, needs more detail
I think this link still works google books
An introduction to compact and ... - Google Books
Lucas Cav injector pumps crap scanned manual
Lucas%20CAV%20DPA%20injection%20pump%20instruction %20book.pdf - Preview ebook on PDFhere.com
Odd looking American pump Stanadyne?
10001.pdf - Preview ebook on PDFhere.com
Bosh VE injector pump rebuild guide with lots of photos. Probably the most use info I have.
Bosch diesel injection pump rebuild
Bosh VE pump manual
resealing a pump not a bad site but, needs more detail
I think this link still works google books
An introduction to compact and ... - Google Books
Lucas Cav injector pumps crap scanned manual
Lucas%20CAV%20DPA%20injection%20pump%20instruction %20book.pdf - Preview ebook on PDFhere.com
Odd looking American pump Stanadyne?
10001.pdf - Preview ebook on PDFhere.com