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Timber furniture oiling with bio

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  • froggo
    Re: Timber furniture oiling with bio

    I used WVO on some pine around my Aquaponics system. The pine trim around the top was wiped over twice with WVO and it is still in good nick seven years later.

    God bless, Froggo.
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  • smithw
    Senior Member

  • smithw
    Re: Timber furniture oiling with bio

    Ive treated timber with glycerine, it stops white ants (termites) from eating it.

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  • craigcurtin
    Senior Member

  • craigcurtin
    Re: Timber furniture oiling with bio

    Also after it has dried - give it a good hose off and see what happens - i have noticed when i collect oil from Thai places (as they do not have a lot of deep fried dishes) that the oil is usually very dark in colour and quite thick - both of which i attribute to the spices they are cooking with and the ratio of oil to food - i.e. not being deep fried then there are comparatively a lot of spices used.

    It will be interesting to see if these remain trapped in the oil or if they will come out with rain etc and end up on your wifes clothes etc !


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  • Captaincademan
    Senior Member

  • Captaincademan
    Re: Timber furniture oiling with bio

    I would throw some biocide in it to stop it from getting 'bug' or mould. maybe try good old Chemtec?

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  • Tony From West Oz
    Vice Chairperson of WARFA

  • Tony From West Oz
    Re: Timber furniture oiling with bio

    That sounds great.
    You will need to do some testing first:
    1. Make sure that the wife's white / Red / Black dress does not get oil stains on it
    2. Make sure that your tinny / bottle / stubby / glass does not stick to it (or leave white rings)
    These are the most important things I can think of. #1 is THE most important - you will never hear the end of it if your sealer damages her favourite dress.

    Only then should you consider marketing it.
    "Harvey's Natural / Organic / Biodegradable Furniture Sealant" (small royalty applies [1% of RRP] if you use this name or any words in it).


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  • Harvey
    started a topic Timber furniture oiling with bio

    Timber furniture oiling with bio

    Ok so I have an extensive outdoor table setting, and each year I try to re-oil it. The price of products from Bunnys is pretty high, so I contemplate. When a boy, ( a couple of score and years ago,) I oiled my cricket bat, shovel handle, etc with linseed oil. It worked well!
    current timber oils appear to be oils plus a solvent.
    i googled using vege oil and responses were "it will turn rancid".
    i collect my oils from a Thai place here in Brizzy, that I wont reveal, as I don't want my fellow bandits, or the owner to know, however it's very vege, not fat, clear etc. so I used it, and followed up with a coat of bio as the 'solvent'.
    result appears fantastic!
    Am I missing something, or should I start putting a mix of vege and bio in a can, at 20c litre, plus mark up, and sit back and retire on the profits???